Nature Conservation Dresden urban habitats

Photo by H. VOIGT

Meadow with flowering chives (Allium schoenoprasum) in the flood plain of the Elbe in the town centre of Dresden. Here we have the very rare case where a river with its bank is not degraded by hydraulic engineering, traffic or buildings in its whole course through a big city. In the densely populated central Europe such linear continuos structures are highly desirable because they contribute to a coherent ecological network.

Even small urban habitats as extensively cultivated meadows, gardens or parks as well as old walls or big trees etc. are important because although they are isolated in the city they will be used by certain species as so called stepping-stone habitats. Consequently they also contribute to a larger ecological network.

Nature Conservation Dresden will aquire urban habitats in order to protect them from degradation or destruction. However this is difficult because, usually, the price of land is high in bigger cities.